The Wedge Property Company Limited (Wedge) is a privately owned property investment company based in Oxted, Surrey, England, RH8 0QE.

Wedge was incorporated on 2nd April 1951.

Its company number is 0493694.

Its main office telephone no is (0044) 1883 714412.

Wedge’s immediate parent company is Wedge Property (Holdings) Limited and its ultimate holding company is Wedge Property (Investments) Limited. Wedge has one dormant subsidiary - Wedge Property (Residential) Limited.

Neither Wedge nor any of its parent or subsidiary companies offer investment and/or financial advice or services. Neither do they advertise properties nor operate in any country other than the United Kingdom.

Any other website pertaining to be Wedge or using any of its or its group’s incorporation, VAT registration, address and/or director details is a fake and should be reported to the appropriate domain registrars and criminal enforcement authorities.